How to add an Email Account to Mac Mail

  1. In Mac Mail, go to the Mail menu and click on Preferences.

    Add Email Account to Mac Mail

  2. Click the Accounts icon in the Mail Preferences window.
  3. Click to create a new account.

    Mac Mail setup

  4. Select POP from the drop down menu.
  5. Enter your email information:

    User Infomation:
    Your Name: This is the name that will be displayed when sending your email
    Email Address: The email address people will reply to when receiving email from you

    Logon Infomation:
    User Name: Your email address name example:
    Password: Provided by your email provider

    Mail Mail setup

  6. From the Outgoing Mail Server dropdown select Add Server.
  7. Enter the Outgoing Mail server information.

    Server Information:
    Incoming Server (POP3):
    Outgoing Server (SMTP):

    Mac Mail

  8. Click OK.